This Relationship Check-In Can Help You Rock Your Marriage

A couple sits on the couch while a man plays guitar. The woman holds a mug.

When is the last time you and your partner did a relationship check-in? Whether you’re married or in a long-term relationship, this is a simple tool that can help the two of you connect more deeply, communicate more openly, and, well, rock your partnership. Is this something you want? Then read on, friend! PS: The …

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7 Couples Communication Books That Will Transform Your Marriage

A couple smiles while cooking in the kitchen.

Communication is everything in a marriage or relationship. It is how we share our emotions, needs, desires, and fears with our partner, how we handle conflicts, and how we engage with them on a daily basis. Undoubtedly, communication is of supreme importance, and it’s something all couples need to work on through the life of …

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9 Therapist-Recommend Couples Communication Exercises

A man and woman are sitting on grass outdoors while smiling.

Communicating in your relationship is not always easy, but learning the skills to communicate well is essential, particularly in the context of a romantic relationship or a marriage.  We’ve got a guide that showcases 5 ways to have better communication in relationships, but to take the tips even further, we reached out to couples therapists, …

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5 Tips for Better Communication in Relationships

A man holds toast while a woman leads in to kiss him.

In relationships, we interact every day, but do we really communicate? While on a basic level we may be getting our points across, giving and receiving information, there is a difference between communicating effectively and ineffectively. In a marriage or romantic relationship, effective communication is one of the most important keys to happiness and success. …

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25+ Open When Letter Ideas for Couples in Long-Distance Relationships

Image of pink carnations on top of an old fashioned envelope.

Have you heard of open when letters? These are a super romantic way to let a partner know you’re thinking of them, especially when you’re far away. We’ve compiled the perfect list of open when letter ideas just for you! There’s nothing as sweet as a handwritten letter. When you’re far apart from someone, those …

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What are the 5 Love Languages? A Quick Five Love Languages Summary

A couple in white shirts laying on the floor with their heads pressed together.

The love languages are one of the most popular concepts in relationship psychology today. It’s likely you’ve already heard of the love languages, but do you know which love language is yours? And do you know how helpful they can be in creating better communication and healthy, happy relationships? Learning your partner’s love language is …

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Words of Affirmation Love Language: A How-To Guide

A woman kisses a man's cheek.

The love languages are one of the most popular concepts in relationship psychology today. It’s likely you’ve already heard of the love languages, know which languages are yours, and now are looking for more guidance on one of these: the words of affirmation love language. The 5 Love Languages were created by author Gary Chapman, …

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